Episode 85: A New CBA
This week on The Underdog Sports NFL Show, Chris Horwedel and Mario Hines talk about the latest NFL news as we near the new league year.
Episode 306: The Sixth Annual Eastern Conference Wins Draft Tyler Laurie
The 400th Episode! Diedrich Bader Returns Seth Everett
Saleh Firing plus Top Fantasy Football Waiver Grabs Sean Ryan
475. Baltimore Orioles Announcer Kevin Brown Seth Everett
Ep.182: 1st and 2nd Round Recap, Francona’s 3rd Act, Pete Rose Tr Michael Dault
Episode 272: Saleh Fired and Week 6 Picks Greg Crone
NFL Week 5 1PM Games Chris Horwedel
Episode 392: KAT Takes New York Matt Crone
Episode 288: Charlie Hustle, The Tragic Figure Chase Madorsky
In this episode, my oldest son Max speaks candidly and bravely about what it was like living in with an alcoholic mom. He shares some of the painful and humiliating experiences he endured and explains how he coped with this difficult time in his life.
Most importantly, he shares what he has learned and how important it is for him to try and help others who might be in a similar situation. This is a very special episode that reinforces my gratitude. I am the luckiest mom in the world.
If you or someone you know needs help at this very minute please call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) you don’t have to feel like this anymore.
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Chris Horwedel March 16, 2020
This week on The Underdog Sports NFL Show, Chris Horwedel and Mario Hines talk about the latest NFL news as we near the new league year.
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