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Hemal Jhaveri

35 Results / Page 3 of 4

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Ten Movies

A Few Good Men

Hemal Jhaveri November 1, 2022

Hemal and Brian went long on this one. There’s a lot to unpack! At its heart, ‘A Few Good Men’ is less a mystery or a legal thriller than an extended philosophical exercise, putting the classical liberalism of virtue ethics against cold-eyed utilitarianism if you like that.

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TV & Film

Days of Thunder

Hemal Jhaveri October 25, 2022

If you haven’t seen ‘Days of Thunder’, it’s basically the exact plot of ‘Top Gun’, except all the airplanes are racecars and the story is significantly slower and more ponderous.

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TV & Film

Mission: Impossible

Hemal Jhaveri October 18, 2022

Is there a more iconic Tom Cruise movie than ‘Top Gun’? If there is, it’s ‘Mission: Impossible’, the film that launched his longest-running and best-loved franchise – and steered him from the dramatic roles of the 80s and early 90s to the high-octane action films of his career.

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TV & Film

Top Gun

Hemal Jhaveri October 11, 2022

If you’re a fan of strong-jawed confident men making American military hegemony look fun and awesome, then Top Gun is the movie for you. Most of the time they’re flying their cool fighter jets, but sometimes they’re having intense but controlled confrontations in their underwear.

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TV & Film

Trailer: Tom Cruise

Hemal Jhaveri October 4, 2022

Every season the Ten Movies podcast picks one actor and watches ten of their most iconic movies. Join your delightful hosts Hemal and Brian for a brand-new season featuring The Last Great American Movie Star – Tom Cruise himself. The confidence. The boyish charm.

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TV & Film

11. Ranking Dwayne Johnson’s Movies

Hemal Jhaveri June 14, 2022

Brian and Hemal bid farewell to the Dwayne Johnson season of Ten Movies, sharing the insights they have gleaned into the dark quotidian heart of America during this season’s journey. More importantly, they rank the ten movies from this season.

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TV & Film

10. Hobbs and Shaw

Hemal Jhaveri June 7, 2022

As Dwayne Johnson’s cultural appreciation exceeds even his legendary physical might, he breaks free from the confines of the Fast & Furious franchise to team up with Jason Statham and fight the evil robot, Idris Elba.

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Ten Movies

9. Rampage

Hemal Jhaveri May 31, 2022

The Rock doesn’t just fight giant monsters in this one, he fights giant monsters and has an enormous monkey for a best friend. Hard to see how it could miss. If you’re a Gen Xer, you may remember the beloved arcade game on which ‘Rampage’ was based. They’ve added some […]

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TV & Film

8. Jumanji

Hemal Jhaveri May 24, 2022

The Rock isn’t just immense, he’s charming and funny, cinematic gifts on display in this family-friendly action-comedy. Worth your time? Hemal and Brian agreed, for once.