Quarantine Episode 20: Burning Questions
On this episode of the Potterhood, Neko and Will tackle some listener questions and those questions deal not just with Harry Potter…. but also with the state of the country. Oh what a time to be alive.
On this episode of the Potterhood, Neko and Will tackle some listener questions and those questions deal not just with Harry Potter…. but also with the state of the country. Oh what a time to be alive.
This episode starts off with an analysis of Slytherin’s anti-muggle prejudice and really goes from there. There is a referendum on the recent statement by a Cuomo that comedy clubs are not essential. Of course we related it all to HP.
Neko and Will are aware that there is a pretty big election looming. We break down which characters would vote for which candidates: Lucius Malfoy and Cornelius Fudge (that’s a rough parallel).
This episode starts out a little different in light of recent events around the United States. We pay tribute to Chadwick Boseman and sort him in to a Hogwarts house. Shout-out all of the athletes that participated in the boycott opposing police brutality!
Neko and Will talk about if Snape deserves to be forgiven, why there isn’t advanced broom flying & also who’s better between Kendrick or TI.
Neko and Will sort the song “Wap” and discuss what was Harry’s worst year at Hogwarts. Also, a really good conversation where we compare the Weasleys to the Gaunts. And we contrast them too. And we talk about how different characters would react to Wap. What a great song!
This episode is a little different, kinda. We discuss the Hufflepuff Three and their time at Hogwarts. And other stuff too. How fun! lol
Neko and Will sort Rep. John Lewis and dive into Eminem’s discography in Potterhood fashion. We also talk about favorite parts of Book 5!
Neko and Will are joined by director Justin Zagri from Broad Strokes media. 80% Harry Potter talk and 20% the ethics of self-governance. That ratio might be off a little bit but it also might be exactly right. More importantly this is the episode (so far) that we are proudest […]