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Sports / General

Episode 263: WNBA Players Finally Get What They Wanted (And They Hate It)

Greg Crone June 13, 2024

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This week on You’re Wrong… And Here’s Why:

In this episode of “You’re Wrong… And Here’s Why,” hosts Chris Horwedel and Greg Crone tackle three major sports topics with their signature blend of expertise and spirited discussion.

The episode opens with an analysis of the Philadelphia Phillies’ potential acquisition of either Luis Robert or Kyle Tucker. Chris and Greg debate the merits of each player, envisioning how they could bolster the Phillies’ lineup. Chris advocates for Luis Robert, praising his combination of power, speed, and defensive prowess. He sees Robert as a transformative addition who could elevate the Phillies both offensively and defensively. Greg counters with a strong case for Kyle Tucker, highlighting his consistent hitting, left-handed bat, and versatility in the field. Tucker’s proven ability to perform in clutch situations, Greg argues, makes him an ideal candidate to enhance the Phillies’ postseason prospects. The hosts dissect possible trade scenarios, considering the players’ contracts and the impact on the Phillies’ future.

Next, Chris and Greg turn their attention to the WNBA’s controversial decision to leave Caitlyn Clark off the US Women’s Olympic team. Chris expresses his outrage, emphasizing Clark’s outstanding college performances and her potential to energize the team. He speculates that the exclusion may stem from jealousy among established players who fear losing their spotlight to the young star. Greg agrees, suggesting that the decision reflects a broader reluctance within the WNBA to embrace emerging talent. He criticizes the selection process, arguing that it should prioritize current performance and future potential over seniority. The hosts lament the missed opportunity to showcase Clark on the international stage and discuss the implications for the US Women’s Olympic basketball program.

The episode wraps up with an engaging discussion about the NBA Finals. Chris and Greg break down the key moments, standout performances, and strategic decisions that defined the series.

Throughout the episode, Chris and Greg maintain their engaging banter and in-depth analysis, offering listeners a thought-provoking and entertaining take on these significant sports stories. Whether you’re a fan of baseball, women’s basketball, or the NBA, this episode of “You’re Wrong… And Here’s Why” delivers insightful commentary and lively debate.


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