The Hangtime Podcast: Merry Christmas
Kiah and Will talk about the Lakers Big Three (Lebron, Anthony Davis, and Lizzo). Kiah and will compare the legacy of Lebron, KD, and Kawhi
Episode 242: The Heisman and Week 15 Mario Hines
Waiver Wire Pickups Sean Ryan
407. Burt Ward, Robin the Boy Wonder (Part 2 of 2) Seth Everett
Ep.191: Good/Bad Soto Signing, HoF Underdogs, GM For a Day Michael Dault
Episode 278: Soto, The Attitude Era, and NFL Week 15 Greg Crone
483. Adam Zucker, CBS Sports Seth Everett
Bombs Away Tyler Laurie
147: Championship Saturday Doyce Kirkland
Episode 297: Adames Gets A Giant Deal Chase Madorsky
On the 73rd episode of the Underdog Sports NBA Show, Zandrick and Tyler revisit their wins draft from before the season. They recap wins and records while also giving out a gift to each team they picked to help improve them this season. Gifts can range from new players, to actual items, to basketball skills or new coaches/ownership. They also discuss their own best and worst christmas gifts, discuss the limits or lack of limits on Santa’s abilities and break down the masked singer! Email the show and have a wonderful holiday season!
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Will Poznan December 24, 2019
Kiah and Will talk about the Lakers Big Three (Lebron, Anthony Davis, and Lizzo). Kiah and will compare the legacy of Lebron, KD, and Kawhi
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