The Atlantic Files #177: The New York Knicks are back!
In this week’s episode of The Atlantic Files, we talk about the surge of the New York Knicks and the fact that they are back and here to stay!
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478. The Tampa Bay Rays, Tropicana Field, and an Uncertain Future Seth Everett
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It’s Episode 27 and the guys are headed down the stretch as they look at the 2021 playoff picture. They will look at the Blazers current position as well as go around the league conference to conference to examine the play-in possibilities and the playoff matchups that we could be seeing in just three short weeks.There is plenty of news to go around as well. The Magic have lost a coach and a guard. Marvel is coming to the NBA. The Thunder’s arena is up for a name change. There are Oscars. And more! Not to mention a new streak finder and your questions and comments. Don’t miss it!
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Alex Fischbein April 25, 2021
In this week’s episode of The Atlantic Files, we talk about the surge of the New York Knicks and the fact that they are back and here to stay!
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