Episode 182: The Other Guys
On the 182nd Episode of the Underdog Sports NBA Show, Zandrick and Tyler discuss the Los Angeles Lakers, and replacement players!
Saleh Firing plus Top Fantasy Football Waiver Grabs Sean Ryan
475. Baltimore Orioles Announcer Kevin Brown Seth Everett
Ep.182: 1st and 2nd Round Recap, Francona’s 3rd Act, Pete Rose Tr Michael Dault
Episode 272: Saleh Fired and Week 6 Picks Greg Crone
NFL Week 5 1PM Games Chris Horwedel
Episode 392: KAT Takes New York Matt Crone
Episode 288: Charlie Hustle, The Tragic Figure Chase Madorsky
Episode 234: The Most Predictable Timeline Mario Hines
This week on the Dagger we have a bunch of topics to cover especially regarding the Omicron infestation taking over the NBA in the past two weeks. Players going missing in the health and safety protocols, players coming back from the dead, and many more moves and countermoves from the teams and the players. Who has been impacted the most from the new COVID-19 variant? Kyrie is coming back!!!!! Maybe. The crew will go over whether Kyrie’s return is beneficial to the Brooklyn Nets or not. What’s wrong with the New York Knicks? Should the Los Angeles Lakers move Anthony “Street Clothes” Davis? All these questions will be answered in this week’s episode.
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Tyler Laurie December 23, 2021
On the 182nd Episode of the Underdog Sports NBA Show, Zandrick and Tyler discuss the Los Angeles Lakers, and replacement players!
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