Episode 340: Dame Time in Milwaukee
On this week’s episode of The Underdog, Chris Horwedel and Matt Crone talk about the Damien Lillard trade to the Milwaukee Bucks, last night’s episode of Bettors Delight, the passing […]
142: NFL Week 9 and CFB Week 10 Doyce Kirkland
Episode 292: Title in Tinseltown After A Fifth Inning From Hell Chase Madorsky
Episode 396: Disavowing Anthony Richardson Matt Crone
S8E11: NFL Week 9, CFB, NBA and NHL Greg Crone
Episode 309: Depth Perceptions Tyler Laurie
Episode 237: Flacco and Week 9 Picks Mario Hines
Ep.185: World Series Classic Spanking, Long Gone Season Awards Michael Dault
478. The Tampa Bay Rays, Tropicana Field, and an Uncertain Future Seth Everett
Episode 274: The Deals Don’t Stop Greg Crone
141: NFL Week 8 and CFB Week 9 Doyce Kirkland
We continue our story PREY with chapter 2. Caleb and Quinn have been captured by a sadistic couple. Paralyzed, their captors begin tormenting them in a horrific ritual.
Don’t miss an episode –Subscribe on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or Subscribe to our Newsletter “PREY” Credits: Created By Sean Ryan/Eric Zimmerman Narrator: Sean Ryan Samantha Trina is an independent voice actress. You can view her portfolio here: https://www.fiverr.com/trinadeuhartalt?source=inbox. Male Characters voiced by Sean Ryan: Caleb Music/Sound: Opening and Closing Credits by An: https://www.fiverr.com/anlosenko/produce-scary-piano-orchestra-horror-music?source=order_page_summary_gig_link_title&funnel=c3930de2699a6ef30051d6dd62597a61 Background music and tracks by Rachel: https://www.fiverr.com/rachelfwilliams/create-scary-action-horror-chase-music-for-your-project?source=order_page_summary_gig_link_title&funnel=ee3d0ee55a59d6ffbdc7f4ae4cf4b9ea Sound effects licensed from Epidemic Sound: https://www.epidemicsound.com/sound-effects/?_us=adwords&_usx=11258116976_video%20sound%20effect&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paidsearch&utm_campaign=11258116976&utm_term=video%20sound%20effect&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxuCnBhDLARIsAB-cq1ojpDzt_52uV-CZcLAEwmoVT12h2czsGc-g9hoCnect35Esop4LVdEaAqVHEALw_wcB More about Black Springs: Welcome to the new horror podcast on the Underdog Podcast Network. At first glance, Black Springs, looks like any other suburban town in Florida. Built on a swamp with a checkered past, it’s the city most people would pass by without another thought. But if you live in Black Springs, you know it’s different. Hi everyone, I am Sean Ryan, bringing a new podcast to the underdog podcast net work. Sean and Eric are very excited to present the town of black springs, based on the swampy Floridian town we grew up in. Our mothers begged us not to play in the woods. They told us to stay away from strangers. Stories of haunted woods, disappearances, murders, and sometimes worse were common for us growing, just as their common in Black Springs. In this anthology series, Eric and I have crafted horror fiction all with a true sense of our home and its heart. Coming early September and rolling through the Halloween season, Black Springs will dive into psychological thrillers, tales of serial killers, demons, beasts, and more. It’s a true celebration of horror in a unique show format designed to immerse our listeners. Hit that subscribe button and Please wirte a quick review so we can launch this podcast right. You can also follow us online, on whatever Elon is calling “twitter” these days and on YouTube through the Underdog Channel as well as the newly launched Black Springs channel. Website: www.black-springs.com Thanks for listening to the sneak creep. Remember to subscribe to the show. Will be back with a multi episode. Launch of black springs. It’s where darkness lives.
Produced by Red Tusk Media Group
Story/Script: Sean Ryan/Eric Zimmerman
Female Characters voiced by Trina Deuhart:
Twitter/X: www.twitter.com/BlackSpringsPod
Underdog YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/theunderdog
Matt Crone September 29, 2023
On this week’s episode of The Underdog, Chris Horwedel and Matt Crone talk about the Damien Lillard trade to the Milwaukee Bucks, last night’s episode of Bettors Delight, the passing […]
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