170. Matt Ryan from Wizard World New Orleans 2020
This week on Hall of Justice, Seth Everett is joined by Matt Ryan, star of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on the CW, who has been John Constantine since 2014.
Episode 275: The DPPHL Finals Greg Crone
Super Bowl Index Sean Ryan
Episode 397: Runnings’ Back Matt Crone
S8E12: NFL, College Football, College Basketball and More Greg Crone
403. Venom: The Last Dance REVIEW (SPOILERS) Seth Everett
Episode 310: Cleveland Rocks? Tyler Laurie
Ep.186: ’25 Power Rankings, Offseason Rumors Michael Dault
142: NFL Week 9 and CFB Week 10 Doyce Kirkland
Episode 292: Title in Tinseltown After A Fifth Inning From Hell Chase Madorsky
Episode 396: Disavowing Anthony Richardson Matt Crone
On this week’s episode of Create Your Shot, Smallz and Tyler welcome on Trevor Johnson, the head coach of the Buena Vista Beavers. They talk with Trevor about his first year as a head coach, the process of getting his current position, his interview experience and how he prepared. They also talk about the swings of being a head coach, winning and losing streaks and what it’s like to be the primary decision-maker on the sideline. This week’s coach speak features Eric Musselman and the city review is Lincoln, NE. You can follow Trevor on Twitter @BVU_Basketball.
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Seth Everett February 6, 2020
This week on Hall of Justice, Seth Everett is joined by Matt Ryan, star of DC’s Legends of Tomorrow on the CW, who has been John Constantine since 2014.
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